Greetings from cloudy Austin. I like it that way. It fits my cloudy mood, hahahaha. Ha? Just kidding. I was blah-ing about today until I realized I have an almost finished song and two finished songs that just need that extra little spit shine of effort before they are public-worthy. Now I just need some sort of gig to play them at. Oh yeah. That.
But! But...I decided to go a'wandering this morning, and it was truly grand. I hit up the Farmer's Market, where I held off on the urge to buy some plants...but I think I will be back in the near future to add some O2 to my living quarters. It's sad when the only thing living in your apartment are you and the sugar ants. (Oh yeah, except...the current score is Jana: 2, Ants: 0. Mwahaha). Then I explored the big park in the middle of town for a brief while, and THEN I happened upon a Goodwill where I found THIS CHAIR. I lurve this chair.

So um, that's about it. Oh, I also found a book of Rumi poems for 2 bucks. That was also exciting. Beth will care. (Or maybe not. Blog about your house, Beth). I am off to make myself pretty so I can go see some peeps at the Waterloo Icehouse. Next door to Waterloo Records. Where I will not spend any money. Right.
o o! i got the email with the chair picture last night. SUPER CUTE!! Thanks also for the microwave tip. the target by our house doesn't have it, but I am going to go check at eubank and paseo. i just realized i should have just called you or replied to your email........
but eh, variety in communication is the spice of life!
best regards, nice info
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