Oh yeah, so the new Sugarland CD kicks. I was a bit sad because after kicking the folky-songwriter member out of the band, it is utterly clear they are going for Nashville superstardom. But I have always harbored a secret love and admiration for the Nashvillians, and while I hate a lot of them, a lot of them make dang near perfect music. It's like a well-crafted pop song. You can't deny it's good. And Nashville music to me means giant stadiums full of pulsating fans and maybe a lead singer who can play an instrument...with song that speak to us all on a general level. Thankfully Sugarland offers that. (I guess secretly one day I want a giant stadium full of pulsating fans. Yeah, pretty much I want it).
Anyway, to put a fine point on it, Jennifer Nettles offers that. Man. I mean really. I own her pre-Sugarland albums from the folky days to the jazzy days to the rock days...and even if her music is different her voice sure as heck cannot be hidden. Beth once described Joss Stone's voice as "liquid sex," I think (right, Beth?). I think Jennifer's would be like..."liquid Southern sex on the rocks." Or something. I am just babbling now. Quit laughing, Beth.
And the songs address a lot of what I have been pondering..."normal lives" and "settling down" versus following dreams and all that junk. In a happy Nashville package. I win.
Up for this week: 3 days o' work and then Thanksgiving in the country!!! Log cabins and all!
she's so pretty/skinny!
LIQUID SOUTHERN SEX ON THE ROCKS. Oh my god... I love it. And yes.. I still say Joss has a voice that is liquid sex.
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