But I digress. I realized Sunday while driving to San Antonio for a house concert (Susan's not mine) that the purchases I made at the UNM Bookstore over a year ago are quite possibly some of the best-used items I own. I had gotten paid for a gig in UNM money, meaning I had $100 to blow on Lobo Goods. It took a good bit of wandering around to plan my attack. It was Fall of 2005, and I was graduating soon. I knew that post-graduation would require...a roadmap. So I bought an atlas. I was also feeling a bit nostalgic for my soon-to-be alma mater, and also a little bit cold...so I bought a black zip-up hoodie with LOBOS written across the front. I had also impulse purchased an iPod earlier that summer and decided...I needed the iTrip adapter for my car radio. Hells yeah.
So while driving to San Antonio on a lovely rainy Texas Sunday, wearing my Lobo hoodie and listening to a swath of random songs on a mix...and having to consult my atlas because MAPQUEST SUCKS and made up a street name entirely...(like...this street did not exist. And honest to goodness this was the one time I was thrilled to have the actual artist's cell phone number to get directions to a show, haha)...I realized I had gotten constant use out of this collection of Lobo-ized gear.
Those three items have gone on a lot of journeys with me and I thought it was the most random purchase at the time, but I chose well I guess.
Now to get rid of all the other crap around here!
yeah we bought an atlas on the way to our honeymoon and we use it quite a bit!
two month rule. Not that I'll ever adhere to that.
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