Monday, January 29, 2007

This is my 100th post.

I love that there is a smudge in that photo in the last post because I can't clean my mirror properly.

Things I am excited about:

March 6th, baby.

(Let's go driving around town to every Borders known to man, Beth and Lisa!)

Also, I have signed on to FAWM. I don't know how you say that but I imagine it's a lot like "FAAAAWWW-mwah." February Album Writing Month. Since being a vegan for 90 days only occupies about 45% of my thoughts daily, I thought I'd add in another timed and impossible-sounding challenge. I only write a good year...10 acceptable songs. 14 in a month is scary. But if it will get my butt off the internet and into be it. I ain't sayin' they'll all be good, but so help me there will be 14 somethings by February 28th.

1 comment:

L said...

those were the days!