Monday, February 19, 2007


Well. I had a suitable day of napping, laptopping, and some well-timed cleaning. (I let things get a little too...meh sometimes). I tried to write and no direction came. I hate that.

I went through a pitcher of "mixed berry" stuff.

I found a t-shirt at the thrift store that says "Ruidoso, New Mexico." Purple.

I am in love with Odwalla bars.

I sat on my patio in the sunshine and enjoyed the first little bit of spring we've had.

I didn't go to bed until 4:30 AM on Sunday, and I think my schedule is now suitably screwed up.

I did finish the new website.

If I get one more friend request on Myspace from someone who wants to give me a free iPod I'll scream.


Beth said...

But.. I want to give you a free iPod dammit.
Glad you're out being social. Someone's gotta have a life hehe.
Thanks for the reminder that peanut butter is pretty much the best thing ever.
Oh, and as soon as Spring shows its face 'round here, I'm totally going to the duck pond to mock the "emergence of the lovers". Nothing says, "hello spring" like watching a goose maul a couple who is making out.

L said...

i want a free ipod