Saturday, March 03, 2007


Why is it that when I need to be my most focused and on my game, I diddle around like a kid on Jolt? Oy vey. I need NEED to be productive this week, and next week is SXSW and my calendar is already so packed I can't even stand it. I need the week off work, is what I need. So many networking events! So much...PEOPLE time. Eck.

If I do not answer my phone for 2 weeks, forgive me. Send emails, loves.

1 comment:

Beth said...

hehehe when the time comes... you'll bust it out. No worries.

Another thing I miss... the sub basement of Zimmerman. Those were good times. I went and visited our note in the random book on the third floor. It will be a glorious day when someone reads that.