Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Thoughts for Tuesday

Look at me, blogging all over the place.

- I got my driver's license in the mail today, and if I may...big sigh of relief. It's a good photo! I can live with it until 2012. That's weird to think of me in 2012. Think of yourself in 2012 and tell me your thoughts.

- Parents and kids and doctors. This is what I overheard at the Doc's office today. My coworker called a mom to tell her some test results.

"Ma'am, we got the results back and your child does have a fracture in her foot and needs to see a specialist."

...(pause while mom talks)...

"No ma'am, she can't play soccer."

Oh my goodness! People! Also, I fielded a call from a Dad today who wanted to make an appointment for Thursday. The problem? "My son...he hurt his arm. And we think it might be sprained. Or broken." I did my best to make him come in today but he never showed up for the appointment. BROKEN. ARM. Thursday sounds good to get that taken care of. Geez.


L said...

all i know is that in 2012 i'll have a 5 year old.

Beth said...

The dad probably caused the fracture.. jerk.
Also, is this what I will have to deal with in 2012?