Thursday, September 07, 2006

Here I Am

I had a dream the other night that there was a flood where I lived and I went to see my house in the aftermath and all I recall from the dream is pulling out my guitars from the rubble and having them be completely and utterly destroyed. I felt such an intense feeling of sadness that I woke myself up. I'm not sure if that means I am too attached to my guitars or what. I don't think I am necessarily attached to them as objects...moreso what they allow me to do and where they have gone with me. My Martin that I bought 5 years ago has been across the country a few times, and to every gig I've had. I say it's earned the right to be in the family. It was a weird dream, whatever it meant. Also the dream made me realize I never, ever want to live through a flood or a hurricane. Ergh.

I went through the process of being a legal Texan yesterday. I have stickers on my windshield, license plates, and tomorrow morning I will complete the process and get a license. Even though it cost me a couple hundred bucks (gah), I have to say I felt an immense sense of pride and excitement when I got those plates. I am now "from" Austin.

Otherwise I'm exhausted today. I dunno why. Could be the insomnia. ;)


L said...

i think it means that you are a good musician. if you weren't passionate about what you do, it wouldnt permeate your dreams.

Anonymous said...

A dream where something is destroyed typically means you are afraid not of losing that object, but what it represents. For example, the common dream of one's teeth coming out doesn't indicate a need to floss (although we all really should), it indicates a fear of of the loss of the self, the core, the essense of you. I think the destruction of your guitar is more about the loss of the music. Most important in dream interpretation is my favorite question, how did it make you feel?