Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Rainy Austin Day

So, I guess I don't get the 2 feet of snow, but we are getting like 3 inches of rain tonight. I can handle that. I don't get cranky in the rain. Much.

Life is really good. Right now. I have always been kind of down on "the new year" and the resolution junk and I still am. If you don't like yourself enough to change something you want to change on December 16th or May 12th, why bother on January 1st? This is my view for the most part. However, I guess it is a good thing to evaluate yourself every so often and if January 1st is a date that people shoot for...more power.

January 1st did happen to be a good day for Jamie and I to start our veganism pact...90 days of no meat, eggs, or animal products. Eek. The nutty flavor of my soy latte agrees with this so far, though.

Anyway, I am psyched up about 2007. Not because of a resolution, but because of momentum. I think I am figuring out more and more that for things to "happen" -- I need to be the causation. There is no "it just happened." There is only "I worked hard to MAKE it happen." So bring it.

Now, to work!

1 comment:

L said...

yay for change!