Monday, November 13, 2006

Mmmm Texas. New Mexico. Seattle.

I am sitting out on my patio in my $6 Target canvas chair (green) with my laptop sufficiently mooching wireless internet. It's about 60 degrees and lovely.

I made it back with nary a scratch on myself or my car...New Mexico was good. Texas is good. I dunno...I like both places. I was a little scared I would either:

a) realize how much I miss home and cry a lot when I had to come back
b) realize I somehow hated NM and never knew it (a little silly of me)

Neither happened. I realized you can't beat the view of the Sandias against a blue sky, or the smell of cedar in the air, or gathering in person with a large group of friends, or Mom's ribs! However, I guess I still have some things to finish. Or start. Or something. Bizarre. The fact that I will be back to NM in a little over a month is also comforting. Right now I feel very much like an American citizen but not necessarily as belonging to any state. Hrm.

When I was wandering around Seattle in February of this year, a rotund street preacher guy stopped me outside of Starbucks at Pike's Place Market, and he said, "Miss Jana, the Lord told me to tell you that this is your year. He's got so many blessings for you that you won't know what to do with them." And I told him thanks and kept walking.

But I think he might have been right.

1 comment:

L said...

i love it when people say stuff like that. the fact that he was rotund makes it even better.