Friday, May 12, 2006


susan in austin
Originally uploaded by Czech Girl.
Ah ha. So the interview went well. Or perhaps I should say, it did not go down burning in a big pile of smelly fish parts. They said they'd call next week and update.

As I wrote previously today, this Austin thing is getting serious. And cool. And seriously cool. I pretty much knew I was going to love it there when:

a) I picked up the Chronicle (basically the Alibi) and saw about 5 concerts I wanted to go to in the next month.

b) We went to a bar on Sixth Street and there were TWO BANDS playing. At the same time. One inside and one on the roof. That's some music. And that was just one bar out of 30. On a MONDAY NIGHT. Amazing.

Apparently you just never know who's gonna pop up at the aforementioned Saxon Pub, cuz their web site has photos of instances where Bonnie Raitt just happened to "sit in" with the band that night.

Now I need to pack. And watch my dear New York City bound friends pack for their flight to the big city tomorrow. And pack some more. Goodness. I need furniture.


Beth said...

what the hell is dooced? A mommy blog? I am soo not hip. Also, congrats on the interview. I recommend getting furniture in austin. moving sucks. :)

L said...

yay austin! i'll come visit!