Sunday, July 09, 2006

Small Town Americana

Hey kids. What's up? I'm recovering from a giant slice of small town fun...namely, the 58th Annual McDade Watermelon Festival. McDade (pronounced "MAC-day-eeeeed") is a little mapdot about 60 miles east of Austin, and some buddies invited me out for a day of wandering in the sun staring at watermelons. It was a grand time. We watched the parade down Main Street, ate BBQ (yeah!), and took in the scenery. Two fun events:

- Seed spitting contest: the cute little girl above needs a bit more oomph in that spit. ;)
- Chicken Hit Bingo. What, you ask? Well, they mark off a large cage into squares, give everyone bingo cards, and put a chicken in the cage. Then they wait for it to poop. Then whoever gets bingo with the accumulated chicken poop squares wins. I'm pretty sure someone had a lot of time on their hands for that one. Also I renamed it "Chicken (s)Hit Bingo."

The travesty: I actually did not eat any watermelon at the Watermelon Festival. I was too busy with BBQ.

Otherwise, got my fingers crossed on a job interview. I saw some awesome music last week. I hope to see more this week. I play a gig Wednesday. I got a job proofreading stuff online. It won't be lucrative but it might cover my weekly gas expenses. One hopes (oh, the costs of travel!) Speaking of which, I must go proof. Tell me about yourselves.

1 comment:

L said...

super fun!!