Thursday, July 13, 2006

These Meme Things.

Stolen from Lisa, the Cool One.

1. Yourself: unemployed and pathetic
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend: taking his damn sweet time
3. Your hair? ponytailed
4. Your mother? cool
5. Your Father? chill
6. Your Favorite item? my geetar
7. Your dream last night: i rarely remember them
8. Your Favorite drink: coffee
9. Your Dream Car: fuel efficient (nerd)
10. The Room You Are In: coffeehouse-chic
11. Your Ex: mmph
12. Your fear: poverty and failure
13. Where do you want to be in 10 years: making cash happily
14. Who you hung out with yesterday? the cool person who booked me and Fred
15. What You’re Not: EMPLOYED
16. Your Best Friend: my bed
17. One of Your Wish List Items: a gig
18. What makes you happy: gigs
19. The Last Thing You Did: went to choir practice
20. What You Are Wearing: jeans and a thrift store t-shirt i lurve
21. Your Favorite Weather: autumn
22. Your Favorite book: The Tao of Willie
23. The Last Thing You Ate: pancakes for dinner
24. Your Life: stop and go
25. Your Mood: resigned
27. What are you thinking about right now: the live music i am about to watch/hear
28. Your Crush: you (good one, lisa)
29. What are you doing at the moment: i should be proofreading
30. Your summer schedule: hahaha thereof.